Best Practices to Avoid Recruitment Fraud

REVISED: May 15, 2024

Recruitment Fraud Notice 

We have become aware of multiple reports of individuals claiming to represent our company, and we want to ensure that our clients and candidates are well-informed on how to identify and respond to any incidents that may compromise their safety or privacy. By making you aware of this, we hope to avoid and ultimately stop victims from falling for this fraudulent activity.

*We will never request a fee or payment from candidates. Please do not provide any personal or financial information to anyone you suspect of recruitment fraud. 

How to Identify Recruitment Fraud:

  • You receive a message on WhatsApp or another online messaging platform.
  • You are asked to provide a fee or payment (we will NEVER request payment from candidates).
  • Our email communication will only ever come from a domain. We will never contact you through Gmail, Outlook or any other free online mail service.
  • The job is not posted on our official Jobs page on the STRIVE website:
  • Always research the company before applying for a job. Check its website and search for reviews (ex. Google, Glassdoor, Indeed).
  • Cross reference the recruiter’s name and contact information with the employees on our official website under the Meet Our Team page. If you are still unsure you can reach out to that employee directly through the contact information in their bio.
  • We do not offer or promote freelancing roles or “side jobs”.

Fraudulent Message Examples:

For Canadians who are a victim of recruitment fraud:

  1. Reach out to your bank or financial institution for assistance.
  2. Report it to your local police.
  3. Report it to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre (CAFC), even if you haven’t suffered any financial loss. Your report will aid law enforcement in investigating cybercrime.

Find out more:

Below are additional resources that offer information regarding employment fraud. They can help you learn how to identify fraud and provide guidance on what steps to take if you or someone you know becomes a victim:

To report any suspected recruitment fraud, please email

What to Look for in an All-Star Manager

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13 Interview Tips for the Interviewer

13 Interview Tips for the Interviewer

By: Ben de la Fosse

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