Six Secrets of Modern Master Networkers

For decades, networking has been used to create long-term relationships, recruit talent, advance careers, and find new opportunities. Networking requires a strong communication skill set and is rarely easy for beginners. For some, networking may be downright terrifying.

But the pros know how to do it well and set themselves apart. A networking pro is difficult to define, but you know when you see one. Whether it’s their effortless charm, quick wit, or massive social media following of highly engaged professionals, the pros tend to make networking look easy.
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2022 Recruitment Trends

As with every new year, 2022 will bring about change. New trends for hiring and recruiting have appeared which affects the way the industry operates. In particular, it has been an interesting year for talent acquisition. In this article, we will take a deeper look into some of the latest recruitment trends seen.

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13 Interview Tips for the Interviewer

13 Interview Tips for the Interviewer

By: Ben de la Fosse

2021 is well underway. Goals are set, business objectives are outlined – now it’s time to deliver. Organizations will be going into overdrive during the next few months, hiring a new crop of talent to join their team with the incentive of helping them achieve their said goals and objectives. Due to the growing demand for hiring, I thought it would be beneficial to provide several key interview tips to help identify the right candidate for any team. 

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6 Video Interview Tips

Even before the onset of COVID-19, the use of video interviews was on the rise. Some will see this as a benefit because it allows more flexibility to conduct an interview, saving them from having to leave work early for that “emergency dentist appointment”. Others might be a little more cautious having never done this before. Some may also feel that they are able to present themselves better in person.

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4 Things You Need to Talk About With Candidates During the Interview

There is a lot of competition for top talent. After years of employers having control over the job market, candidates know they are in control. In order to hire your next great employee, you’re going to have to adapt your candidate outreach experience.

One area that often gets overlooked during the hiring process is the communication between hiring managers and candidates during the interview. What kinds of things should you be communicating in an interview in order to interest the best candidates?

Hiring managers are used to questioning candidates about their employment history, skills, and background. But today’s top prospects want to be a part of a deeper conversation, one that centres on the company, the work environment, and more.

Here are some engaging topics that you might want to include in your next interview.

1. A Realistic Employer Brand

Today’s candidates are concerned with employer brands. Here are some incredible stats on the business brand for hiring managers, HR professionals and recruiters. It’s very enlightening. The Ultimate List of Employer Brand Statistics.

If your hiring managers aren’t aware of the employer brand or can’t articulate it clearly, this could cost you some very good talent. It’s critical to communicate your organization’s employer brand in an interview – otherwise, you could find that new hire exits a lot sooner than the company had hoped. Train hiring managers to paint a picture in the interview of the company’s mission and vision, including how the prospective employee’s team relates to both.

2. Insight Into the Working Conditions

Many job postings refer to the company culture very vaguely, promising little more than “a great work environment.” These job posts often fall short of providing an explanation of what that work culture might actually be like. As a result, many candidates come to an interview with one idea about the culture, only to be confronted with a completely different picture once they begin a new job. Paint a human picture with real-life examples. Ambiguity will be the death of any interview.

If the company is fast-paced, it behooves a hiring manager to mention this in the interview instead of describing a laid-back environment. An accurate portrayal of the company culture ahead of time can set a new hire up for success and ensure that the people joining the organization are truly the right people.

3. Advancement Opportunities

Today’s candidates are concerned with opportunities in the workplace for career advancement, more pay, professional development, and so on.

Millennials are the fastest-growing segment of the talent market and are extremely concerned with opportunities for advancement and learning. Sixty-three percent of younger prospects feel their leadership skills are simply not being developed, which drives them to search for new employment opportunities.

In the interview, it is a hiring manager’s job to attract top candidates by setting expectations regarding potential advancement opportunities that may exist.

4. How the Employee Will Benefit From Working for the Organization

Too many hiring managers still approach the interview as a way to evaluate the candidate, rather than as an opportunity to sell the position.

Many of the best candidates know they’re in demand. They want to know what’s in it for them if they join your organization but they shouldn’t lead with that. In the interview, be prepared to discuss the things that set your organization apart, like advancement opportunities, team events, company culture, perks and benefits, and more. This information can help sell the candidate on working for your team instead of a competitor’s.

As the war for top talent heats up, it will become increasingly important that hiring managers learn how to position themselves in the marketplace to attract and hire the best candidates. This must involve detailed communications during the interview process.

Remember: It’s not just about what the candidate can do for you – it’s also about what you can do for the candidate.

Helpful Tips to Survive Busy Recruitment Season

Author: Ben de la Fosse – Recruitment Specialist at STRIVE Recruitment

Contributions: CPA designated public practice accounting professionals

So, it is that time of year again! We are already well into the busy season and for those of you in audit, the end is near and, if you are in tax, the home stretch is almost upon you – you got this, just hang in there!

I can’t honestly say that I have had the pleasure of working a busy season but, I have some sort of idea from my time at University. I remember the library becoming somewhat of a second home in the last month or two of my final year. My days pretty much consisted of classes, exam preparation and writing my final year dissertation. I pretty much fueled all of this with coffee, cold pizza and instant noodles (I won’t lie, I may have had the occasional beer as well).

Now, I am sure you all have your own little tips and tricks to help make the days a little less painful but, I have surveyed fellow public practice CPA’s who have been there, done it and got the grey hairs to show for it. These generous professionals have provided some insight into things they do to ensure they are at the top of their game. I hope they are of some help.

Maintain a healthy diet

This came at the top of everyone’s list of things to be mindful of. How we fuel our bodies has a massive impact on our mental performance throughout the day. The following link may provide some helpful advice for you. Diet Tips For Optimal Brain Function. Our professionals say:

  • Make sure you are eating sufficiently and taking the time to have a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • Consider using your meal allowance to cover a meal and healthy snacks for the remainder of the day.
  • It is very important to drink enough water (6 to 8 cups a day). This really helps with concentration. Also use this as an opportunity to get up from your desk and stretch your legs as you walk to the water cooler.

Stay active – it’s the little things

I have to admit, I am definitely not a fitness fanatic but agree with the majority of my network who said that making time for exercise is very important. I know it feels like you don’t have time to stop and think, let alone exercise but, keeping active helps alleviate stress and boost brain activity. For more information on how exercise affects your performance you should read; Exercise and Work Performance.

Here are some tips from the pros on how to fit exercise into your day:

  • Your firm may provide an on-site gym. Try and utilize this, even if it’s just for 30 minutes before work, at lunch or in the evening.
  • Stand up often: It is most likely documented in your employee handbook, which is now lying somewhere in your drawer collecting dust but, for every hour you work, you should take a 5-minute break from the screen. Go grab yourself a glass of water, get a snack, interact with your team and ask if they need support.
  • Using your Fitbit/ Apple Watch or a timer and set an activity challenge that makes you to get out of your seat.
  • Stretch: Cater a stretching routine and/or take an afternoon walk, even if it’s around the client’s office.

Take control of your work life balance

It is very important to keep some level of work/ life balance. You need the time to disconnect from work and partake in activities that you enjoy. This will drastically help improve your mood. You Only Get One Life!

  • Flex hours: If your job allows for flex time, plan ahead and use this to do something besides work. For example, make use of your RMT massages, spend time with the family, start that book you’ve been wanting to read.
  • “It is a marathon, not a sprint”. Ensure you take breaks throughout your day. Utilize your lunch break. Go grab that coffee you want.
  • I can be a culprit of this next one. Ensure you work Make sure you are not just running around like a headless chicken. Plan your day out and prioritize your workload.

Embrace working as a recruitment team

During the busy season, it’s inevitable that you’ll be spending significant time with coworkers or engagement teams. The fact that everyone is in the same boat for 3-4 months is an incredibly effective way to build team camaraderie and lasting relationships.  Take full advantage of this opportunity.

  • Share your struggles with your team. “A problem shared is a problem halved”. Lean on the experience of your Managers or discuss issues with your team and find a common solution together.
  • Come together as a team. Grab dinner with your engagement team, have a coffee with your coworkers, find a way to unplug from the work for 15-30 minutes and just get to know each other on a more personal level.
  • Building these relationships will carry you so much farther in your career than finishing a certain engagement on time.

Learn from your experiences

Busy season is exactly that. A season. It comes and goes. Just think, soon enough you will be done and those long summer days will be just around the corner. Try and concentrate on the positives of this experience and learn from it.

This is a prime-time for accelerating your learning and professional development. Accounting professionals with a public practice background bring technical and soft skills to the table that are highly desirable to an employer, and the challenges brought about by busy season fine-tune many of these skills.

Contact STRIVE Today

How To Develop Relationships With Recruiters And Recruiting Agencies

Working with outside recruiters is inevitable at some point in your career. The senior-most searches are often handled by executive recruiters to preserve the confidentiality of the search and to access the broadest pool of candidates. Even mid-level searches or entry-level searches with very specific requirements may be farmed out to recruiting agencies to take advantage of a recruiter’s expertise and network in an area or simply because internal HR handles more of the existing employees, rather than the recruiting. So even though relationships with direct hiring managers (e.g., the Head of Marketing if you’re looking for a marketing job) are ideal. You want to have recruiter relationships. Keeping track of unsolicited outreach by recruiters is also a good gauge of your career marketability. Here are four strategies for developing relationships with recruiters and recruiting agencies:

If You’re Never Worked With Outside Recruiters

Get to know how recruiting works. There are two kinds of firms: contingent and retained. Contingent recruiters are only paid if a candidate they present is hired. Retained recruiters are paid to handle the search, regardless of where the final hire actually is sourced. Retained recruiters generally handle the more senior searches and tend to have exclusive oversight of the search (i.e., no other firms are working on that opening. However, there are contingent firms that work on senior searches and have exclusives. Some firms also do both retained and contingent work.

In addition to the retained v. contingent distinction, recruiting firms tend to specialize by industry or function (e.g., non-profit sector, marketing roles). Having this general understanding can help you figure out what types of relationships to prioritize. You want to know recruiters who specialize in what you do, and if you’re vying for an executive role you want to know retained recruiters.

If You Get An Unsolicited Call From A Recruiter You Don’t Know

Don’t just let the recruiter launch into an interview with you right there. If you’re not prepared, then you won’t position yourself in the best light. But more importantly, you need to interview the recruiter and make sure whatever the recruiter is working on is the right match for you. Interview the recruiter – are they retained or contingent? What position are they calling about, or is this an exploratory call? What do they specialize in? Take down the recruiter’s name and firm’s name, and check out their LinkedIn profiles and website – look at clients they have worked for, placements made, history of the firm. Ask friends in HR or who have been placed by recruiters if they know this person or the firm. You want to vet recruiters, as much as they are going to vet you.

If You’re Actively Looking And Want To Start A Relationship

Too many job seekers start their search by trying to find recruiters to represent them. Recruiters don’t work for the candidate; recruiters represent the employer (which is why you don’t want a recruiter handling your job offer). You do want to focus your efforts on networking directly with people at your target companies. However, it’s helpful to be on recruiter radars in case they happen to be working on a search that fits your profile, and recruiters are an excellent source of market information. The best way to get connected to a recruiter is when they reach out to you. So if you get unsolicited calls from recruiters, take those calls. Yes, you want to vet the recruiters (see point above) and if they are legitimate players, help them with their search – recommend people you know who are a fit. Recruiters remember candidates who are helpful.

Other than waiting for a recruiter to contact you, the next best way to connect with a recruiter is to have one of their clients or a candidate that they placed recommend you. Ask your friends in HR which agencies they use, and get an introduction from them. Ask your friends who have found jobs through recruiters who placed them, and have that placement forward your resume. Recruiters get a lot of unsolicited resumes – a recommendation by someone they know (and have made money from) will definitely stand out.

If You’re Passively Looking And Want To Be Found

What if you’re not actively looking but would like to hear about the latest opportunities? You need to be where recruiters look for candidates – word-of-mouth, LinkedIn, conferences, professional associations, publications. Word-of-mouth means those direct introductions I mentioned from your friends in HR or the recently hired. It also means that your name surfaces when a recruiter calls someone in your industry or function and asks, “Who do you know who fits this profile?” Make sure your network knows what you do and what you’re interested in so when those inquiries arise, they know to refer you. Just yesterday, I got two separate inquiries from two companies hiring for their HR teams. I get inquiries like this almost daily because people know I know a lot of people. Are you top of mind for the people in your network who are well-connected and probably get lots of recruiter calls?

In addition, recruiters look at secondary research – e.g., conference schedules to see who the speakers are (if you’re speaking on a subject, you’ve achieved a level of expertise), membership directories (if you’re active, you’re keeping yourself updated), publications (like speaking, if you’re writing about something or quoted about it, you’ve established a level of expertise). Recruiters also search LinkedIn, so make sure you have a complete profile with clear descriptions of what you do and keywords reflective of your skills and expertise. Make sure you also include contact information or check your LinkedIn activity in case a recruiter contacts you via the platform. I can’t tell you how many candidates I have pinged on LinkedIn who respond weeks after my initial inquiry, interested in speaking further but missing the opportunity – if you want to be found, you have to respond when you’re found!

Sure there are some nuances to how recruiting works (e.g., contingent v. retained), but otherwise developing recruiter relationships is similar to developing any other networking relationship. Give, as well as take – return calls, make recommendations, be helpful. A warm lead is better than a cold contact when trying to expand to new relationships. Timely follow-up will ensure existing relationships are maintained.

Source: Forbes